“Wastewater from the [Yulara] township is treated using an activated sludge process at the Sewerage Treatment Plant which is operated by the NT Power and Water Corporation. Around 25% of this water is reused while the rest is allowed to evaporate or filter into the ground through trenches. Recycled water is used for irrigation, sanitation and fire fighting, including a blend of raw bore water and treated wastewater.” (Finding Water at Uluru-Kata Tjuta, op cit earlier post)

Then back from Yulara and fascinated to see some of Alice Springs’ solutions to very hot country sewer challenges – might be helpful in parts of Africa where I have never seen such extensive venting of sewers (below), regularly seen along the main sewer line down the Todd River and also the shaped manholes to protect against river flood flow (I've only ever seen conventional round manhole rings in such situations before) and also the clips to prevent sewer surcharging lifting manhole lids and allowing storm overflows where not wanted.

Guessing the sewerage line above is gravity flow but at the northern end of town there is a sewage pumping station, also in the dry Todd River bed.

Below the septage disposal point for the WWT ….

For wastewater treatment, Alice Springs Waste Stabilisation Ponds “were constructed in several stages from 1960 to 1989, currently treating on average 7.6MLD of wastewater per day, mainly comprising domestic sewage from the town plus septage from rural and unsewered areas.”

“The Alice Springs Water Recycling Plant is situated on the same site as the waste stabilisation ponds. Constructed in 2007, upgraded in 2013, treats up to 6MLD of treated effluent” (Fact Sheet - Alice Springs Water Recycling Plant, Power and Water Corporation, Last updated February 2016).

At the northern end of town, close by the river bed, can see pink coloured recycled water equipment …. Is there an international standard for colour coding water and sanitation equipment? Water recycling becoming ever more important everywhere, but here ever more important particularly.