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Costing the SDG6's ... again


Completing a Case Study overview of the Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage Project to share with Cranfield University students, the numbers which emerge from my calculations of the public domain reported costs suggests 'Advanced Urban Water - piped on premises' costs of $1,100 per person at 80% take up rate of new connections, $3,600 per person for Advanced Urban Sanitation Sewerage & WWT plus the necessary toilet ..... figures which are four times and fifteen times higher respectively than the median costs (my analysis) taken from the very helpful Hutton and Varughese, 2016, Costs of Meeting the 2030 etc.

If one takes a more conservative figure of 50% connection rates the figures are five times for water and twenty three times the quoted rates for sewerage etc. Not so conservative perhaps, recognising that the recent Condominial Sewerage scheme also in Lusaka achieved an initial (time of evaluation) 3% connection rate ... though of course that will have increased over the past few years. And all such figures are open to analysis and interpretation in different ways. But it suggests again to me that 'trillions not billions' is indeed a useful slogan and that financing is unlikely to be solved by 'innovative/hybrid' means, that is with significant private capital involvement - particularly when we relate these CapEx figures to the unwillingness to pay and unwillingness to charge of so many lower-income customers and governments.

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